Devotional -

The Grace to Forgive ( 11 March )

I, I am He who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.
Isaiah 43:25
And forgive us our debts, As we also have forgiven our debtors … For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
Matthew 6:12, 14-15

It is very painful for us to remember our own sins. However, when we consider these verses we can see God's mercy and forgiveness on our behalf. Because he has washed away our sins, we should respond by being ready to forgive others.

In God's eyes there is no trace of our sinful past, not even things we did long ago. God is also able to heal our bad emotional experiences and indeed every wound and hurtful memory of things in our past.

Jesus, in the Sermon on the Mount, encourages us to forgive just as our heavenly Father has forgiven us. Jesus is our ultimate example. When he suffered on the cross, his last words were words of forgiveness, as he prayed for those who were hurting him (Luke 23:33).

We may think that some people do not deserve forgiveness. However, Jesus' teaching and example set the standard for us. If we ask his help to obey what he demands of us, he will, through his Holy Spirit, give us the ability to fulfill every good work.

But why should we forgive? First of all, it is a command which we should obey. We must always fix our eyes on Jesus our Lord. Forgiveness brings many blessings to our lives, including forgiveness itself: "Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against any one; so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses." (Mark 11:24). When we forgive, it liberates us and those whom we forgive.

And why should we avoid withholding forgiveness? People who hold a grudge hurt not only the one who committed the sin but also themselves and others. Bitterness and anger take root in their life. If we hold on to bitter feelings and the desire for revenge, it will cause us much sickness and pain. Our spirit, soul, and body will be poisoned. Unforgiveness robs people of their inner peace and joy. Nothing makes Satan happier than when a person-especially a Christian-refuses to forgive.

Thankfully, God gives us a speedy remedy through prayer, reading and meditating on his word, and loving him completely. God has taught us how to love others and forgive them because he himself is love.

We do not deserve to be forgiven, and yet the Lord has forgiven us by taking our place on the cross. May we have the grace to forgive and love one another.

Lord, show me how to forgive others just as you have forgiven me.

- 11 MARCH -